HCH Autumn School - Sep 2010
Sat 2 Oct 2010 – Mon 4 Oct 2010
For the first time ever, the HCH will be offering Autumn School in Sidney, BC and we’d love to have you join us! Open to students, grads and the general public.
Registration & Accommodation
Questions? Contact the Registrar.
Understanding and Approaching Spiritual Disease
Learn how to deal with spiritual disease and the ideogenic realm. This three-day class will cover and expand on topics such as etheric thinking, the use of the CoRe, the linkage of scripture to therapeutics, the issue of truth vs. belief, true therapeutic education and dealing with psychological states of mind.
Sidney-by-the-Sea, on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.
Saturday October 2nd through Monday October 4th Classes will run 9am to 5pm
The boardroom at Sidney Pier www.sidneypier.com
$200, excluding your personal travel and accommodation costs
Registration & accommodation options
See separate documents. Please conserve paper and send back on email rather than fax.