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HCH Summer School - Aug 2010

Fri 6 Aug 2010 – Mon 9 Aug 2010

    Confirming Foundations-Affirming Transitions: Taking Heilkunst to the Next Level

    Registration & Accommodation

    Questions? Contact the Registrar.

    Tuesday and Wednesday August 3rd + 4th

    CIHA Practitioner Days

    More information to follow separately. The day is open to graduates only, and only to those who are full members in good standing.

    Thursday August 5th

    Introduction to Dynamic Blood Analysis

    This optional workshop is offered primarily for distance students who need to complete Module 41, and who have been unable to attend the full weekend offered in previous years. Roxanne Harris will be teaching the basics of Live Blood Analysis, what can be seen under the microscope and how it fits into your practice; Rudi will be providing the dynamic view of blood and how it fits into the dynamic physiology. No fee for DHHP, DAHH, DynBC and DynNC students.

    Friday August 6th

    Role of Regimen in Heilkunst – AM

    Speaker: Rudi Verspoor

    In this session we will look at the foundational philosophy and principles of a dynamic therapeutic regimen, and how it fits in with medicine.

    Tutor-led Sessions – PM

    A. Healing reactions – direction of cure, how to know it is one, palliation? Suppression? A pathic disease growing out of the tonic, etc.

    B. Tonic and pathic disease.

    6.00 onwards: Annual potluck

    Saturday August 7th

    The Real Secret: Mind, Consciousness and Reality – Getting At the CoRe – AM

    Speaker: Rudi Verspoor

    The foundation of knowledge is mind and consciousness. Is mind a function of matter, or is it transcendent? Or neither? What are the implications of a true theory of knowledge for practitioners? What does it take to get a mind and to properly use it? What are the implications of the function of mind for bioresonance technologies, such as the CoRe? We will also look at the basis of true knowing in an historical perspective, including the fundamental concepts of emanation and evolution.

    Guest speaker Dr. Shiv Chopra: The Dangers of Vaccines and Food Regulations – PM

    Guest speaker: Shiv Chopra

    St Paul University, Amphitheatre (Room 1124) Auditorium (Room 203) — Session runs 1PM – 5PM. Please be prompt.

    You are invited to join us on Saturday August 7th for a very special session with guest speaker Dr. Shiv Chopra, as he addresses the dangers of vaccines and food regulations.

    Dr. Chopra is a world-renowned scientist who previously worked for Health Canada and was responsible for challenging various attempts of the large pharmaceutical and agri-industrial complexes to put products on the market that were shown to be unsafe by scientific studies, such as bovine growth hormones. His work led to his departure from government and to work on promoting consumer safety independently of politics. His research has also led him to question the validity and safety of vaccinations, particularly childhood vaccinations. Come and join us for an educational and insightful afternoon from a respected scientist and caring human being.

    Free for Summer School participants. Open to the general public; a donation to the HCH Trust is greatly appreciated at the door. Let your friends and patients know of this great opportunity to hear one of the sane voices in the drug-vaccine debate.

    5.00 – 6.30: Graduation

    Sunday August 8th

    Animal Heilkunst – Man’s Best Friend: The Proper Role of Dog and Man – AM

    Speaker: Aleks Mikic

    Presentation by Aleks of her Dynamic Philosophy thesis, with Q & A.

    Tutor-led Sessions – PM

    A. Repertory exercises

    B. Timeline prescribing

    Monday August 9th

    Training the Etheric Mind – AM

    Speaker: Rudi Verspoor

    How can we take the insights of Saturday’s morning session and get access to the system of symbols hidden behind the specious given and get to reality? It takes an etheric mind. We will use examples from the most ancient of symbol systems, scripture, to illustrate the path and journey required, but the rewards to be found.

    Treating the Complex Traumas of Pregnancy and Birth – PM

    Speaker: Patty Smith

    The conditions of coming into this world have grown immensely complex and complicated, not to mention traumatic. Dealing with this often missed, mis-understood and mis-diagnosed important component of the timeline.

    Closing Q & A.