Mod 20-21 Case Taking Methods and Analysis/Management
Module 20
Case-taking Methods
- Participating the patient
- Taking the totality of characteristic symptoms
- Identifying the tonic diseases
- Creating a timeline
- Identifying the chronic miasm
- Case taking of the infant
- Taking the constitution
- Keeping good clinical records
Taking the case correctly is the foundation on which the entire treatment of the case will rest. A case taken well is a case almost half completed. It is important for you to gather all the information that you need while allowing the patient to tell their story, all within a reasonable time frame, such that you can begin treatment immediately in most cases. In this Module you will be taken through the different elements of a good case as well as through the difficult, yet simple art of taking the case from the patient. Here, your skills of observation and discernment, learned through the entire course and emphasized at the beginning of your training with us, will become essential.
Module 21
Case Analysis – Putting it All Together
- Hahnemann’s Guidelines
- Isolating the acute situation and the appropriate remedy
- Identifying the traumatic timeline and the relevant remedies
- Analyzing the chronic miasmatic elements
- Looking at and identifying essential nutritional, exercise and dietary needs
- Establishing the need for other supports, such as drainage, tissue salts, bio-therapies, etc.
- Choosing the correct constitutional remedy
Once you have correctly taken the case, the task remains for you to make proper and effective use of all of your information and knowledge of disease. With the knowledge gained in this Module, you will be able to prepare a comprehensive and integrated plan of action that will provide the structure for the progressive and sequential treatment of the diseases in the case, giving you a reliable guide for effective initial treatment and follow-ups.