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New Patients

The forms that are required for your initial consultation.

New Patient Information Package (Size 3MB, updated: Wed 18 Jun @ 5:06 am).

The Treatment Process

Information Package

Welcome to the HCH Clinic. We offer a detailed and unique approach to treatment of health problems using Heilkunst, a comprehensive system of medicine based on natural law principles. You can find out all about the various aspects of treatment from our New Patient Information Package.

Steps in Treatment

These are the usual steps in our treatment program for new patients:

  1. Read the New Patient Information Package (NPIP). If you don’t have access to a computer or are not able to access the package, we can send you a hard copy in the mail.
  2. Contact the Clinic Office:
    1. If you have additional questions or need a hard copy of the NPIP, contact the Hahnemann Clinic. We will answer any questions that you might have about the treatment process once you have have had a chance to read the information package.
    2. If you are ready to book a consultation, contact the Hahnemann Clinic Reception.
  3. Initial Consultations: The Clinic Office will book you several different consultations depending on your situation. The forms that are required for your initial consultation are available online and once they have been completed and sent to the clinic your initial appointment will be booked. After your initial appointment we will send you The Journey to Health, which contains a great deal of information about the process of treatment, the taking of remedies, frequently asked questions, and information on diet, nutrition, exercise and more. This information will be useful throughout your treatment program and you can discuss any aspects of it with your Practitioner or the On-Call Practitioner as-needed.
  4. Group Rates: We offer special rates for couples and families. Please ask our office for details.
  5. Follow-ups: We normally ask you to schedule follow-ups, contact the Hahnemann Clinic Reception.
  6. Calling the Office between consultations: The office staff are there and willing to help you with:
    1. Clarifications on dosage, remedies and simple healing reactions, contact the Hahnemann Clinic On-Call Practitioner.
    2. Clarifications regarding billings and changing appointments, contact the Hahnemann Clinic Reception.
    3. Discussion of more complex matters related to treatment: We have an On-Call Practitioner from Monday to Friday during working hours. All emergency and intervening issues will be handled by the Practitioner on duty that day. There is a small fee for this service and if required, the on-call Practitioner will contact your Practitioner for further guidance. Contact the Hahnemann Clinic On-Call Practitioner.
  7. Payment: Payment options can be discussed with the Clinic. Depending on your geographic location payment may be available by credit card, PayPal or cheque.