Sequential Homeopathy, Treatment and Therapy
The Short Story
Sequential Homeopathy, Sequential Therapy, Sequential Treatment
These terms refer essentially to the treatment of specific shocks and traumas (mainly drugs, vaccines, surgeries, but also emotional traumas) in a person’s life using energetic (often called “homeopathic”) remedies. The traumas are identified by creating a “timeline” and then are treated in the reverse order (backwards from the present, to birth/conception and into the inherited predispositions).
Sequential treatment (or ST, as it is often referred to) was first developed by Dr. J.F. Elmiger MD of Switzerland, and was brought to North America and the homeopathic community and developed further in the early 1990’s, by Patty Smith and Rudi Verspoor of the Hahnemann College and Clinic for Heilkunst.
ST is only part, as is homeopathy, of the full medical system developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann some 200 years ago. The full potential for cure is realized only when all aspects of health, as laid out by Dr. Hahnemann, are taken into consideration and applied in every case on an individual basis.
The Hahnemann College for Heilkunst is the only school in the world to teach Dr. Hahnemann’s complete medical system, including the use of ST and homeopathy, plus much else to prepare professionals to deal effectively, consistently and successfully with chronic, complex cases.
The book, Autism: The Journey Back – Recovering the Self through Heilkunst, written by Smith and Verspoor, is one example of the power of Heilkunst to cure in the treatment of autism.
The Long Story
Sequential Homeopathy, Sequential Treatment, Sequential Therapy
In theory, all medical treatment should be sequential, meaning that the first remedial measure should be taken first, the next required one next, etc., and in that sense the term is only stating the obvious.
However, the term, as it is used specifically by some to distinguish one treatment approach from another, relates to the alternative medicine/natural health field, and in particular homeopathy. It refers to the specific treatment of various shocks and traumas (emotional, physical, iatrogenic (medically-induced) in a person’s lifetime, in the reverse order (from most recent to most distant in time – back to conception). It is this more specific meaning that is examined here.
The idea of sequencing began with the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). He created several orders of sequencing based on his understanding of disease. Most importantly, he made a distinction between primary diseases with a constant (tonic) nature that then could give rise to (secondary) diseases with a more variable (pathic) nature, and laid down the rule to treat for the diseases of a constant nature first, as this would often destroy the secondary disease at the same time.
Diseases of a constant nature exist in time and space and we can accumulate them over time. Another important sequence was in the treatment of the archetypal inherited diseases, termed chronic miasms.
The treatment of the primary diseases was based on a form of similarity between medicine and disease that is close to identity and could be termed “homotonic” prescribing. Dr. Hahnemann identified several types of these homotonic diseases depending on their disease origins – those coming from an “irritation” – emotional and physical shocks/accidents; those coming from a pathogen (infectious or pathogenic diseases); those coming from drugs (iatrogenic diseases).
Little was done with this profound insight into the duality of disease for over 150 years, as the main focus of most of Dr. Hahnemann’s followers was on the new system Hahnemann developed to deal with the pathic diseases, as these could not be identified according to cause (such as fall, concussion, emotional shock, drug, etc.), but only through the symptoms. The system called “homeopathy” was developed by Hahnemann to group and order the symptoms of a disease in a patient according to the curative law of similars.
It was not until the 1970s that a Swiss medical doctor, Dr. J.F. Elmiger, who decided to study homeopathy, discovered that the iatrogenic shocks of drugs and vaccinations was a major cause of illness and that the treatment of these shocks proceeded in the reverse order of their occurrence. He called the treatment of these shocks and traumas according to their reverse time sequence La therapie sequentielle or Sequential Therapy.
He also re-discovered that there was a sequence to the inherited, chronic miasms, which he called the Law of Succession of Forces. Dr.Elmiger was the first to systematically create a sequence for tonic disease and for the chronic miasms based on the use of nosodes (energetic medicines made from disease discharges) and isodes (energetic medicine made from the actual drug or vaccine material). His approach provided a successful means of addressing the plethora of modern iatrogenic diseases unknown in Dr. Hahnemann’s time, which made restoration of health so difficult using other modalities, including homeopathy.
The next step was the introduction of Dr. Elmiger’s approach to North America. While a number of individuals did this independently, it was the work of Rudi Verspoor (Canada) and Patty Smith (USA), working in collaboration in the early 1990s, who added a significant dimension to Dr. Elmiger’s discoveries, namely that of emotional shock. While this had been included in Elmiger’s work, it was not fully developed, as Dr. Elmiger restricted his practice mainly to children and certain adult cases. He generally found adult cases difficult to handle. With the insights into the medicines for emotional shock, Verspoor and Smith were able to expand the idea of Sequential Therapy to adults in an effective manner. Their first book, Homeopathy Renewed, published in 1995 (and superceded by Homeopathy Re-examined), brought Dr. Elmiger’s work, combined with their own extensive research and clinical experience, in developing the sequential approach, to North America.
While Sequential Therapy, or ST for short, is highly effective, it is important to realize that it is only part of a much broader system of medicine created by Dr. Hahnemann, which he called Heilkunst, or the art of restoring health.
This system requires the foundations of health also be addressed, in terms of bio-chemical balance, diet, exercise, supplements, hormones, energy blockages, etc, as well as various realms of disease that go beyond that of the timeline and the chronic miasms. For ST to be most effective, it must be part of this more complete system of remediation.
The most complete development of Dr. Hahnemann’s medical system, which incorporates ST in its most extensive and effective form, is only to be found with the Hahnemann College for Heilkunst and its clinical arm, the Hahnemann Clinic for Heilkunst in Ottawa, Canada.