Heilkunst and Autism (and other Behavioral Disorders)
May be of interest: Case study — Sam’s Case.
There is no question that we currently face an unprecedented tragedy in the form of a profound disturbance in the health of our children at all levels – body, mind, soul and spirit. We are all witnesses to a plague of autism, and the usual alphabet soup of behavioral disorders – ADHD, ADD, ODD, PDD etc.
While the statisticians and the supposed experts continue to argue over cause and effect, and search for incontrovertible “proof,” with research mainly carried out within a limited, and largely outmoded bio-chemical paradigm, the tragedy continues to strike individuals and their families by the thousands, with little real relief and only vague hopes in continued research. But research that does not address the real causes, which are many, of autism and other behavioral conditions has little chance of doing anything other than palliating the symptoms.
Do you think autism is an actual disease?
Autism, ADD, ADHD, PDD and ODD are not diseases in our assessment, but only labels placed on observed behavior that is not natural or disruptive to the child or to others. We could say that they are disease conditions.
To the extent that the label is correct (and this is often not the case with ADD, ADHD for example), the causes still remain hidden, speculative and confusing. No two cases are the same in all, and even many respects. The causes remain hidden because the diagnosis is effectively an illusion. The disorder or condition is real, but it is only the result of something deeper which is not identified. To give something a name does not make it a disease. A true diagnosis always contains the remedy within it (e.g., a diagnosis of a lack of vitamin C where this is truly the case tells you exactly what you must do, but if it is not, then extra Vitamin C may help the symptoms, but it will not remove the underlying cause). And this something deeper can be one or more of a long list of shocks or stresses to the system.
Do you see autism as a behavioral problem?
Autism and the other disorders mentioned produce disturbed behavior, but in our experience and understanding they are the product of actual traumas to the system, which place it in shock, weakening the immune system and calling forth a response from the organism to defend itself (this produces most of the symptoms we notice). This is much like a shell-shocked soldier coming back from war.
The list of potential and actual shocks to the system is virtually endless, particularly if we include the host of interventions by the modern medical system (some necessary and even life-saving in some extreme cases, but shocks to the system nonetheless).
These fall into one or the other of the following categories:
- Inherited weaknesses in terms of the (ill) health of the parents and earlier generations. Your children can only be as healthy as the parents.
- Stresses and traumas during pregnancy (ultrasounds, amniocentesis, drugs, antibiotics, poor diet, emotional stresses, accidents)
- Birth interventions (induction, epidural, episiotomy, forceps, suctionning, drugs, C-section)
- Vaccinations, particularly the ones within the first few months and years, and notably shortly after birth, such as the Hep B or anti-Tubercular vaccine. Most children today have had over 30 shots by the time they are 3 years old. There’s more information on the negative effects of vaccinations on our links page.
- Accidents (broken bones, concussions, spinal injuries, deep wounds, etc)
- Emotional shocks (deaths, frights, fears, suppressed emotions. etc.) of any sort – it is the reaction of the person rather than the actual shock itself that is more determinant.
- Iatrogenic diseases – drugs, antibiotics, surgeries.
- Poor diet and exposure to various chemicals.
- Inherited diseases that affect how the genetic code functions and set each child.
Is autism caused by toxic metals, such as mercury in vaccines, or by a disorder in gut flora and fauna, or maybe a poor diet?
It is true that toxic metals and the other factors mentioned can contribute to the emergence of an autistic condition and other behavioral problems. In some cases, one of the other factor, or a combination of such factors, may play a large role and then, addressing these factors (through detoxification and dietary approaches) may help considerably. However, in many other cases, such efforts have little or no positive effect (although they are still good for overall health), though they may require a great deal of effort, time, money and discipline.
Finally, though heroic measures in diet and detoxification can certainly help to improve behavior and health, they do not usually get at the underlying causes and must be followed up with or done parallel to a treatment that is able to remove these causes.
Why do most autistic children have high doses of heavy metals?
There can be some logical reasons, such as the high number of vaccines with mercury (thimerisol). There is no question but that true safe levels of exposure for these heavy metals is zero, and that this is not the case in our world. However, we are all exposed to heavy metals, but not all of us seem to hold them or carry them around. The deeper problem lies in the fact that autistic children hang on to these metals rather than allowing their natural detoxification system to neutralize and remove them. Why? Our research strongly suggests that it is because of the traumas to their system and inherited weaknesses which create a form or ‘armoring’ at the cellular level that mirrors that at the level of the psyche. Once these traumas are removed, the cells then allow the toxins to leave and be processed by the normal detoxification system of the body.
Although it may seem strange, our cases point to the possibility that the body itself, under certain situations of stress will produce some if not all of the heavy metals. In the more traditional medical system from the past, the various metals were seen to have a relationship to certain disease states and to possess various healing qualities. Thus, as is the case with many viruses, the heavy metals may be as much the result of, as he cause, of the disease condition concerned. This is strongly suggested also by the fact that in many cases, the heavy metal levels cannot be accounted for by environmental exposure alone and that not all persons in the same environment carry the same level of heavy metals, and indeed, other toxins.
Why is it that what works for one child doesn’t work for mine?
The label a child is given is not a true diagnosis, but more a description. We say it is descriptive, not disclosive (of the cause, as a true diagnosis must be). Thus, the label “Autism” hides the many and varying factors in each case that are responsible for the disorder termed autism, or ADD or ADHD, etc. Your child is unique in the combination and sequence of events that led to his or her autistic condition. The challenge is to find this combination and sequence and to treat for it correctly.
How can homeopathy and Heilkunst help my child?
Heilkunst is an approach to treatment that combines the best of regimenal measures (diet, detoxification, etc.) and medicine, all based on the principles of natural law. While any substance can be used to have an effect (usually to remove a symptom), this does not mean that it is being used properly, that is, according to the laws that nature has set down. We are products of nature and any treatment must ultimately follow natural law principles. If not, it is acting only palliatively (temporary relief) or worse, suppressively. If the symptoms are suppressed, the cause of the problem is not removed and the symptoms may return or the cause goes underground where it will cause other problems in time.
The core of Heilkunst is an approach to identifying and then removing the underlying causes of autism and other behavioral conditions using a rational, natural and systematic, sequential treatment. The use of medicines that are non-toxic, non-invasive and curative of the underlying shocks gives it a high degree of success. While each case is unique, we have been able to help achieve significant improvement including removal of the autistic and other behavioral condition in cases where nothing else seemed to be working.
How long does the treatment take?
The treatment will vary from case to case and takes approximately 1-2 years to complete to the first level (which is usually sufficient for significant improvement). Good improvement will often be noticed in the first 3-6 months, but it takes longer to get more improvement and to make the improvement permanent. In difficult cases, it may require longer treatment to get at the deeper root causes, but even here the results are very promising.
Is the improvement permanent?
Since we are removing the underlying causes of the condition, the condition, to the extent that it is curable, is permanently removed. While a child may take his or her constitutional remedy occasionally to maintain good health under the stresses of life, there is no need to continue taking remedies beyond the treatment period.
Why is this approach not better known?
The approach we use is based on a long tradition of homeopathic medical practice, which is the second most popular system of medicine in the world. It is less-well known in North America because of the greater dominance of the drug companies both in terms of medical training and advertising. The use of bio-energetic medicines on the basis of natural law principles also goes against the current bio-chemical paradigm that dominates Western medicine.
Is there evidence of the effectiveness of homeopathy?
While most modern research is conducted by drug companies on patentable drugs, there is a long history of recorded clinical success with homeopathic medicines, as well as some clinical trials using modern methods.
Do we have to stop all the other things we are doing for our child?
Most of the therapies and approaches applied today help to support the system and are part of what we call regimen. Such approaches do not remove the underlying cause(s) of the problem, but they can often be continued as complementary to medical Heilkunst treatment. We are always interested in learning about approaches that are effective in certain cases and doing more research to bring them within Heilkunst treatment on a rational basis. Treatment is very much a collaborative exercise that seeks to find the best means of helping the child concerned.