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Mod 26 Anatomy/Dynamic Physiology/Cellular Pathology

Module 26

Anatomy, Dynamic Physiology and Cellular Pathology

The study of anatomy begins from the moment you open your first study material in Module One. You are encouraged to obtain the anatomy textbook recommended and use it and the other reference sources related to anatomy that are provided throughout your study. This use of reference material to find out about terms of physical anatomy will lead to a growing knowledge of anatomy within a living context.

The study of Dynamic Physiology will provide you with a dynamic insight into the functioning of the physical and energetic bodies of the human being, relating this insight to the actual understanding obtained through the study of Heilkunst more generally. While relying on more traditional views of the functioning of the body, dynamic physiology goes far beyond this limited range to enable you to grasp the inner workings of the whole person.

Understanding the process of disease at the level of the cells is important to understanding the problem of tissue damage, which affects the therapeutic intervention required. All of this is covered in a manner that renders the process dynamic and integrated within the entire framework of treatment.